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Our award-winning, Visit Wales accredited museum restores, displays and operates buses that were once a popular sight on roads around Swansea and in regular use by public transport companies which served the population of South and West Wales. It's a go-to place for visitors to the Swansea Bay region as well as performing an educational role.

The museum’s impressive collection consists mainly of vehicles that ran under the banner of South Wales Transport and later First Cymru. Several examples of famous London Transport-type buses never fail to catch the eye of visitors. The museum is also home to a fascinating selection of British and American cars, vans, Land Rovers, early commercial vehicles and classic emergency service vehicles.

Also in the custody of the museum are several vehicles and artefacts on long-term loan from Swansea Museum’s Collections Centre at Landore with which we enjoy a healthy involvement.

Visit our operational model railway display and slot car track room, where you can test your skills in trying to beat the track record.

From time to time the museum hosts specialist events covering many different forms of vehicles and transport. These are generally advertised in advance and further enhance its educational involvement.

Opening hours: Saturdays 11am - 3pm
A heritage bus ride around the local area departs at 1pm
Group visits welcome outside normal opening hours
by prior arrangement.

Admission: Adults £8, Under 16s £4

Card & contactless payments welcome

Visit Wales QA

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If you're interested in our vehicles and have time to spare, you may like to lend a hand in helping maintain and restore some of the vehicles in our collection. If so, becoming a member of our friendly organisation and assisting in the day to day running of the museum is for you!

Why not visit, have a chat and ask for a membership form? You can also download one by clicking below. Your assistance is vital in in helping to meet our ever-increasing costs and ensuring that the museum lives to tell the tale of transport of days gone by in the wider Swansea Bay area.

Annual membership runs from April 1st each year

Download a Membership Form
or ask at reception/phone 01792 732832




Site last updated March 22nd 2025 (Fleet & events pages)

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Swansea Bus Museum & Transport Heritage Centre is the operating name of The South Wales Transport Preservation Group Ltd, a UK not-for-profit company limited by guarantee..
Company number 10330657.
England & Wales Registered Charity number 1175465
Registered Office:c/o Bevan Buckland LLP, Ground Floor, Cardigan House, Castle Court, Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea SA7 9LA

© SWTPG LTD. 2025